About Us

A workday at home can pass in a blur, with minimal structure and without a commute to separate home life from work responsibilities. As a result, this schedule can have you working long past the time you should have clocked off: checking your emails from bed, or reading through project plans before your morning coffee.

Coworking spaces offer structure to your day, providing a place to arrive every morning and leave once the work is done. Whenever you choose to start work each day, you’ll find that this structure helps prevent the unbidden creep of work life into personal time.

Why Brainy Colony is best?

Be in the best locations


Get up and running fast

Fully equipped meeting rooms for rent

Many new businesses or freelancers aren’t able to fully commit to long office leases or hefty deposits. With various membership options, you can choose what works for you and your business. Go month-to-month or even daily if you’d like. Members of coworking spaces also have the flexibility to set their own schedule and work when they prefer. No need to work around certain operating hours or someone else’s schedule.
